Building peace involves us all. Peace is the heart of SGI’s mission as Buddhists who treasure life. We promote the culture of peace as a set of values, attitudes and ways of life that reject violence and are centered on dialogue. We hope to see the culture of peace deeply rooted in our communities and societies, and view it as a framework that enables us to approach the various issues at the UN—reflected in our focus areas—as interconnected and interrelated.
Culture of Peace
We believe that each individual is capable of fostering the culture of peace. The culture of peace is a framework that enables us to approach the various issues at the UN, which are reflected in our focus areas, as interconnected and interrelated. Be it disarmament, environment and sustainability, human rights education, gender equality and women’s empowerment or humanitarian relief, they all are integral to the “peace” we envision, in which each person can make meaningful contributions.

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