Photo Credit: Soka Gakkai of Spain
On 23 September 2022, the Soka Gakkai of Spain hosted a symposium on SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s peace proposals at its center in Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Some 900 people watched the live broadcast of the event, which featured a panel of speakers: Inés de Araoz Sánchez-Dopico of the legal advice office at Plena inclusión (an NGO that supports people with intellectual disabilities); Jordi Armadans Gil, a political scientist and activist for peace and disarmament; and Lara Padilla Perdomo of the youth advisory group of UNICEF Spain.
A similar webinar was also held in the UK on 22 November 2022. This event centered around a discussion between SGI-UK General Director Robert Harrap and Hayley Ramsay-Jones, director of the SGI Office of UN Affairs in Geneva. Harrap shared his experiences participating at COP26 in Glasgow, where he showed the “Seeds of Hope and Action” exhibition, and COP27 in Egypt. He also explained how the points raised in the 2022 peace proposal were key topics of discussion at COP27 and relevant to the outcomes of the conference. Ramsay-Jones introduced her work at the UN, and answered questions regarding the meaning of intersectionality and what taking an intersectional approach in disarmament looks like. The two speakers also discussed how the peace proposals had provided inspiration for their work.
The event also featured youth members of SGI-UK from Wales and the Marches sharing their experiences of grassroots action of promoting dialogue on the topic of peace, as well as a musical performance and a Q&A session with Harrap and Ramsay-Jones.