On 8 December 2022, as part of the celebration for Human Rights Day, UNESCO, OHCHR and the Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth (OSGEY) co-organized an online event, titled "Transforming Education Through Human Rights," in partnership with Amnesty International and Soka Gakkai International. The event aimed to enhance dialogue among young people and policymakers on how human rights education for youth can be used to implement the Youth Declaration on Transforming Education (launched during the Transforming Education Summit 2022), as well as on the parameters of the evolving right to education.

Attended by more than 180 people, the event was opened by OHCHR’s Deputy High Commissioner, UNESCO's Assistant Director-General for Education, the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth and a Young Leader for the SDGs. The Special Rapporteur on the right to education Farida Shaheed, participated in an interactive dialogue to frame the issue. Subsequently, participants attended three parallel sessions that delved deeper into each of the following themes: (1) Youth consultation on the evolving right to education; (2) Human rights education and the Youth Declaration; (3) Advancing human rights and peace: education as a cultural right. Flore Ghetti, who represents SGI on the Youth Advisory Board for the joint human rights education project with OHCHR and Amnesty International, facilitated a parallel session, titled ‘‘Human Rights Education and Youth Declaration.”