Photo Credit: Arigatou International

19th October 2023

2023 SDG Summit: Side Event Discusses Faith, Hope and Transformative Action to Accelerate Progress Toward the SDGs

  • Environment & Sustainability

The 2023 SDG Summit took place on 18–19 September 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, bringing together 145 Heads of State and Government and Ministers, as well as representatives of intergovernmental organizations, the UN system, and other stakeholders. Convened by the President of the General Assembly, the Summit marked the halfway point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The General Assembly adopted a political declaration that reaffirmed Member States’ continued shared commitment to achieving the 2030 Agenda.

A number of side events were held around the Summit. SGI co-organized an event convened by the Trilateral Partnership of Regional Faith-based Networks for the SDGs from Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean on 18 September. Titled “Inspiring Faith, Hope and Transformative Action to Accelerate Progress Towards the SDGs,” this five-hour hybrid event brought together over 150 participants from faith-based organizations, governments, UN and academia.

Event participants and speakers at the side event titled “Inspiring Faith, Hope and Transformative Action to Accelerate Progress Towards the SDGs.” | Photo Credit: Arigatou International

As a member and former convener of the Asia Pacific Faith-Based Coalition for Sustainable Development (APFC), Hiro Sakurai of SGI moderated the session “Faith-Based Transformative Actions for SDGs 16 (Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions) and 17 (Partnerships For The Goals).” Sakurai was also invited to join as a panelist to represent SGI and share its efforts for advancing peace and sustainable development, highlighting the work for nuclear disarmament as an example.

After the event, a joint statement was issued by the three regional networks and disseminated widely.