On 17 February 2022 the Soka Amazon Institute joined the new Amazonas Hub of the UN Global Compact. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, engaging the business sector in adopting sustainable and socially responsible policies. The Soka Amazon Institute endorsed the compact in 2021.
The Amazonas Hub was established by UN Global Compact Brazil in order to bring together leaders from various sectors within the State of Amazonas to accelerate the reach of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is the newest UN Global Compact hub in Brazil among five. The Soka Amazon Institute was invited to join the hub in light of its rich record of collaborating with private companies in the fields of environmental education and reforestation.
An online event was held to mark the official launch of the Amazonas Hub at which Carlo Linkevieius Pereira, Executive Director of UN Global Compact Brazil, spoke about his hopes for the Amazonas Hub, and Edison Akira Sato, President of the Soka Amazon Institute, introduced the institute’s initiatives. An online version of the “Seeds of Hope & Action: Making the SDGs a Reality” exhibition, jointly developed by the SGI and Earth Charter International, was also shown.
The hub will work to involve more citizens in the state in the effort of achieving the SDGs.