© Seikyo Shimbun

3rd July 2022

Seeds of Hope & Action Exhibition Launches in Germany and France

  • Environment & Sustainability

A joint initiative of SGI and the Earth Charter International, the Seeds of Hope & Action (SOHA) exhibition introduces a positive vision for sustainable living that can contribute to realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Panels in the exhibition encourage viewers to overcome feelings of powerlessness by highlighting ways that a single individual can initiate positive change.

The structure of the exhibition is based on the “Learn, Reflect, Empower, Lead” formula outlined in SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s proposals on education for sustainable development. It was launched in February 2021 in English and Spanish, and has since been translated into more languages and shown virtually and in person in several places around the world.

On 16 May 2022, the SOHA exhibition was featured at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences in Germany as a part of a summer school program and viewed by students from across Europe who participated in the program.

The French version of the Seeds of Hope and Action exhibition was introduced on 19 June 2022 during an online symposium organized by youth members of the Soka Movement in France. Approximately 1,000 participants joined the event, titled “Climate and Social Justice - How can a change in a single individual lead to the establishment of a sustainable society?"

Panelists included Frédérique Kaba of the Fondation Abbé Pierre, Alexandra Masako Goossens-Ishii of SGI and two Soka youth members, Jade Janninelle and Nicolas Boutin. Janninelle is a volunteer with the association “Le Café Suspendu” in Nice that provides opportunities for customers to buy extra food for those in need and organizes food distributions for the vulnerable. Boutin is part of Boomforest, an organization that promotes the creation of natural forests—even in urban areas—using the Miyawaki method.

Participants also viewed a specially created video from Bernard Combes, Programme Specialist in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for UNESCO, who introduced the organization’s ESD activities.

There was then the chance to join one of four different dialogue spaces, to discuss relevant themes as follows: 1) How to make an ethical and responsible lifestyle accessible to all, whatever their means. 2) Sometimes it may seem that all lifestyle choices have a negative impact on the environment. How can we avoid becoming demotivated? 3) How can we be coherent about climate justice and inspire people to take action? 4) How to be innovative in the search for solutions to questions of climate and social justice.

The shared outcome from the roundtable and the four dialogue spaces was that the joy that emerges from taking action creates hope.