SGI was represented by Alexandra Goossens-Ishii at the consultations on nature-based solutions led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) from 9–13 October 2023 and the 25th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-25) of the Convention on Biological Diversity from 15–19 October in Nairobi, Kenya. These meetings were held 10 months after the historic adoption of the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF).
SBSTTA-25 addressed implementation of the KM-GBF and evidence for biodiversity-related decisions, including those on invasive species, the sustainable use of wildlife, biodiversity and climate change. Discussions will continue in preparation for the biodiversity COP16 to be held in Colombia in October 2024.
Together with SwedBio, a program for biodiversity at the Stockholm Resilience Center, SGI released a discussion paper highlighting the essential role of a human rights-based approach in addressing biodiversity and climate challenges. This was launched during a side event co-organized by SGI, SwedBio and members of the informal Working Group on Biodiversity and Human Rights.
Panelists and co-organizers of the side event on human rights-based approach to biodiversity and climate action
Goossens-Ishii also spoke at a side event on the role of faith-based organizations in implementing the KM-GBF, titled “Earth Restored: Joining Hands with Faith-based Organizations to Implement the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework,” co-organized and supported by SGI, the Faiths for Biodiversity Coalition, UNEP Faith for Earth, Expertise France and the Post 2020 Biodiversity Implementation-EU Support project.
The side event also introduced a four-page briefing paper on the same topic, which was coauthored by Gopal D. Patel, Co-chair on the Advisory Board of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and co-convenor of the Faiths for Biodiversity coalition; Lauren Van Ham, Climate Action Coordinator for United Religions Initiative; and Alexandra Goossens-Ishii, Environment, Climate and Biodiversity Coordinator for SGI and co-convenor of the Faiths for Biodiversity coalition.