9th March 2020

Second Global Meeting of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

Photo credit: Clare Conboy

  • Disarmament
  • Stopping Killer Robots

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots held its second global meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 26 to 28 February. Over 80 campaigners gathered from around the world in the three-day event. Anna Ikeda of SGI participated.

The overall goal of the meeting was to come together as the overall Campaign to discuss the urgency of launching multilateral negotiations on a treaty to ban fully autonomous weapons, and what strategies and actions the Campaign should take toward this goal. The participants engaged actively in discussions on why a ban treaty is necessary, elements of the desired treaty, and how to achieve it through various strategies including regional and national campaigning and outreach to wider audiences.

At the meeting, an updated Campaigner’s Toolkit was introduced, including a new chapter on intersectionality and racism by Hayley Ramsay-Jones of SGI.