On 29 September 2021, UN Women organized an informal workshop to support the Commission on the Status of Women’s (CSW) consideration of its Methods of Work. Best practices on how other Commissions and the High-Level Political Forum engaged civil society in its processes were shared. For the first time, 40 representatives from NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) were among the invitees.
During the civil society interventions Ivy Koek of SGI, on behalf of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York (NGO CSW/NY), gave a statement of recommendations compiled based on consultations with an ad hoc group of experts, academics and NGO representatives, in addition to over 400 respondents to a NGO CSW/NY survey on the Methods of Work. This group has continued to meet to give further suggestions to Member States and the UN in preparation for the 66th session of the CSW.